TutelaCare was initially conceived by an Advanced Care Paramedic in collaboration with a Critical Care Cardiac Nurse. With 60 combined years of experience, they have been passionate that patients receive the healthcare they deserve.
Over the years, a far too familiar scenario commonly experienced amongst first responders, nurses and doctors administering healthcare to patients, was to learn from distressed family members that a documented healthcare plan along with the patient wishes was on their fridge or misplaced at home. Without access to this documentation, either in paper form or through a central digital registry, healthcare professionals may spend hours administering unwanted or futile care to a patient. After thousands of experiences, something needed to be done.
Teaming up with an executive health consultant familiar with implementing global digital
solutions, TutelaCare was created with a focus on people's wants, desires and needs to
direct their own healthcare at any time. TutelaCare enables the sharing of this vital information with loved ones and across the healthcare continuum both pre-hospital and
The founders believe that in the 21st century and more importantly the decade that has started with a global pandemic, healthcare innovation must enable medical professionals to be at their best and administer healthcare that is according to the wishes of their patients.
TutelaCare empowers you to control your health information.